--One of The Pioneers In Indian Tourism Industry ---
E-mail : hrtindia91@gmail.com
More than 30 years of successful organization
We are a passionate team with vast experience of Indian
Himalaya and vision of delivering the best, exciting & unforgettable experience.


  • I will not damage or destroy any vegetation or burn or let others burn or let others burn juniper or other plants in the mountains or along trail which we will pass through / visit. I shall arranges carry adequate supply of Kerosene, gas, other fuel. I will not use wood or logs for warming and cooking purpose.
  • I will ensure that the mountain environment in kept clean and ecological balance is maintained.
  • I will ensure that all the bio-degradable garbage is suitably buried in a pit and then covered with earth, I will also ensure that non-biodegradable garbage is bought back to the road head.
  • I am having accidental & medical insurance and in the event of requisitioning of helicopter / ground search and rescue teams for evacuation, the charges for the helicopter sorties and ground search/rescue team(s), subsequent hospitalization and all initial and consequential expenses will be fully paid / reimbursed by my insurance company.
  • I am fully aware that use of Satellite Phone is NOT permitted as per Government of India Rules.
  • I shall submit the detailed report to HRT of our trip with photos after completion of our trip in India.
© Himalayan Run & Trek Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved
