--One of The Pioneers In Indian Tourism Industry ---
E-mail : hrtindia91@gmail.com
More than 30 years of successful organization
We are a passionate team with vast experience of Indian
Himalaya and vision of delivering the best, exciting & unforgettable experience.



Since the inception of Himalayan Run & Trek, one mission has always been kept in mind that activities taken place under the supervision of this organization should be environmental friendly and the echo of Eco should reach every corner of this world. This motive has always been a driving force for HRT and its team to continue its efforts towards conservation and preservation of Himalayan environment for present and future generation by encouraging afforestation, renovation of many ponds in the Himalayan villages at the higher altitude, disposing off the garbage with sound environmental practices, re-establishment of natural habitats of flora and fauna, minimizing the cultural impacts, developing and imparting the concept of maintaining an eco-balance of body and mind, encouraging trekkers and hikers to pick the garbage from the routes left by the other general tourists and disposed off in a proper and environment friendly manner etc.

The organization is also involved in educating the locals about the conservation and preservation of the natural resources in and around them along with the solid waste management.

Mountaineer, Adventurer, Environmentalist, extensive explorer Mr. C.S.Pandey, who is also directing the company as Managing Director has devoted his life to promote the eco - friendly adventure sports activities in the Indian Himalaya. He has great passion to grow plants and has been planting more than 5000 saplings in nearly 20 years while trekking, hiking and exploring in Indian Himalaya and also in Delhi where he lives, which have now grown as fully flourished trees providing fruits & shelters. In Delhi, he moves around with small team of enthusiastic people, who frequently visit the shores of Yamuna river and clear the heaps of garbage as much as possible. Also, he has been encouraging the mass of young generation to bring the same passion in them. He says "while traveling in the traverse of Indian Himalaya my inner soul commanded me that God has decided something in his mind for me. Passing through jungles and while crossing rivers, I found certain places, which were degraded and spoilt by the daily use of the trails. The same places were so refreshing and new when I visited them during my school days. This replies the question raised by my inner soul and I was directed to put my efforts to save the environment for the upcoming generation. When I started with this new job, my heart was overwhelmed whereas mind was transmitting the message this path is very difficult. At the same time, lines from Sibnarayan Ray poetry hitted the anxious mind which says:-

Let the storm arrive
It will soon pass
Where we stand
Our heads lifted to the sky
There we will stay
Sending our roots
Deeper still
Into the earth.

Since then, I kept on going and every task being done towards the savour of our environment acted like motivational capsules. Following lines from Robert Frost's poem can be more explanatory:-

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry, I could not travel both and be one traveler.
Long I stood and looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth
Then took the other just in the 74undergrowth
Then took the other just as fair0 and
having perhaps a better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear
Though as for that the passing there
It warned them really about the same
And both that morning equally lay in leaves
No step had trodden black
Why? I kept the one for another day
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted, if I should ever come back
I should be telling this with a sigh
Some where ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a word and
I took the one less traveled by.

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