--One of The Pioneers In Indian Tourism Industry ---
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More than 30 years of successful organization
We are a passionate team with vast experience of Indian
Himalaya and vision of delivering the best, exciting & unforgettable experience.

Wildlife Tour

The richness and diversity of vegetation and wildlife in India is unique. India's national parks and wild life sanctuaries including bird sanctuaries ranges from Ladakh in Himalaya to Southern tip of Tamil Nadu, are rich in bio-diversity and heritage. India's rich tropical forests support wildlife extensively. The range and diversity of India's wildlife heritage is unrivaled with 96 national parks and over 500 wildlife sanctuaries. With a great variety of mammals and over 585 species of birds, India's first national park, the Jim Corbett National Park was established in the foothills of Himalaya. The other exotic wildlife parks are Ranthambore (Rajasthan), Gir (Gujarat), Kanha and Bandhavgarh (Madhya Pradesh), Periyar (Kerala) and Kaziranga (Assam) etc.

Wildlife lovers will be thrilled to watch magnificent Bird Sanctuary at Bharatpur, Rajasthan as it is the second habitat in the world that is visited by the Siberian Cranes in winter and it provides a vast breeding area for the native water birds. In the Indian deserts, the most discussed bird is the Great Indian bustard. Renowned worldwide for its rich and diverse flora and fauna, the Sunderbans Tiger Reserve in West Bengal is among the finest national parks in India. Moving through the largest estuarine delta in the world is quite a thrilling experience. The flora and fauna of the region are the major attractions here.

In western Himalaya, one can see birds like Himalayan monal pheasant, western tragopan, koklass, white crested khalij pheasant, griffon vultures, lammergiers, choughs, ravens. In the Andaman and Nicobar region, about 250 species and sub species of birds are found, such as rare Narcondum horn bill, Nicobar pigeon and megapode. A visit to Indian wildlife sanctuaries and national parks is quiet an amazing experience. The vegetation and terrain in India is such that wild animals are often solitary or in small herds, elusive and shy. India has unmatched variety of flora and fauna that makes it extensively different from the rest of the world. A wildlife tour in India can be enjoyed during any season and worthwhile place for visitors especially who love wild life and a lasting experience to cherish forever.

Jeep Safari

Jeep Safari is one of the ideal sources to explore the dramatic landscapes at its own rapidity. Negotiating the rugged terrain, whether it is in desert, forests or mountains on a jeep will not only be a thrilling experience but also take one closer to the nature, allowing to enjoy the sky, the awesome meadows, the superlative wildlife and boundless deserts. It also offers an opportunity to experience the culture and life style of the Indian rural regions

Elephant Safari

The terrains, especially the dense forests where motor vehicles cannot be accessible, a ride on elephant is the best option. Journey on an elephant, equipped with howdah, a large comfortable seat, will take one back to the Indian Royal era, where only Kings used to traverse on elephants. In general elephant ride takes place tropical wildlife as it provides safe encounter with wild beasts.

Camel Safari

Explore the Great Thar on Camel. A journey on dusty tracks, setting sun on golden sand, colourful attired women with the pitchers on their heads, tinkling their anklets, chivalry and romance. While crossing the sand dunes of vast Thar, you can enjoy the myth and legend of the region.

Horse Safari

Take a Horse Safari in Rajasthan. Explore the fascinating and exotic rural countryside on horseback will disclose the contemporary Rajasthani lifestyle. A trip crossing the ruins of old settlements, farms, forts, palaces, temples etc will be a unique experience. It also offers an opportunity to step into the myth and legends of Rajaput warriors. Similarly a journey on the back of horse through the remote Himalayan villages will not only be an adventurous thrill but also offers great interaction with age-old cultural heritage.

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